Monday, October 14, 2024

Are Women mentioned in each Colony's Charter?

Were Women Important Enough to be mentioned In Each Colony's Charter/

Virginia (1606)

The Virginia Charter of 1606 does not explicitly mention women.

Massachusetts Bay (1629)

The Massachusetts Bay Charter of 1629 does not explicitly mention women.

Maryland (1632)

The Maryland Charter of 1632 does not explicitly mention women.

Connecticut (1636)

The Connecticut Charter of 1636 does not explicitly mention women.

Rhode Island (1636)

The Rhode Island Charter of 1636 does not explicitly mention women.

New Hampshire (1639)

The New Hampshire Charter of 1639 does not explicitly mention women.

North Carolina (1663)

The North Carolina Charter of 1663 or of 1729) does not explicitly mention women.

South Carolina (1663)

The South Carolina Charter of 1663 or of 1729  does not explicitly mention women.

New York (1664)

The New York Charter of 1664 does not explicitly mention women.

New Jersey (1664)

The New Jersey Charter of 1664 does not explicitly mention women.

New Hampshire (1679)

The New Hampshire Charter of 1679 does not explicitly mention women.

Pennsylvania (1681)

The Pennsylvania Charter of 1681 mentions women as follows:

" make Ordinances for the good of government and peace of the said province... so as they be not repugnant to Law, and provided that no person be molested or prejudiced in his or her Person or Estate, or in the liberty of his or her Conscience, in their religious profession or worship... No person shall be molested for his or her lawful endeavors... nor shall any person, in any wise molested for matters of conscience, provided he or she be willing to submit to the civil government and legal protection of the province... That no child, servant, man or woman, or others, be taken or detained unlawfully from their parents, guardians, or masters."

Delaware (1704)

The Delaware Charter of 1704 makes the same reference to women as Pennsylvania.

Georgia (1732)

The Georgia Charter of 1732 does not explicitly mention women.